Special Facebook Announcement!
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we have lost access to our Facebook account. Although it is still open, we cannot post or
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Upcoming Events
Embrace Worship Service
10:30am at the Family Life Center campus
31193 Mt. Hermon Road, Salisbury, MD
Our History
Trinity Church
At the end of the Civil War in 1865, divided loyalties healed slowly. A year later in Salisbury, eight men, along with a serious minded teen-aged girl, withdrew from the Methodist Episcopal Church to form a new congregation. They sent a petition to the Virginia Conference, asking the presiding elder of the Norfolk District, the Reverend Dr. M. Lecato, to visit them for that purpose. That meeting resulted in the framework to establish Trinity Church, thereby becoming the northernmost congregation in the old Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
Those founding fathers, Henry Brewington, James Cannon, Levin J. Dashiell, Levin Dorman, William W. Gordy, Hugh Jackson, Isaac Jackson, and William B. Tilghman, along with Miss Nannie Rider, had plans drawn up…
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