Music Ministry


Music and other forms of fine art are powerful components of worship. Music can awaken our senses and make our worship more meaningful. Trinity is committed to music as an important part of life with God and ministry. God wants us to use our abilities no matter how great or small.

Music is an integral part of the life at Trinity UMC. The congregation and choir join voices as they sing the hymns of our faith. The hymns invite the Spirit of the Lord into our worship service and provide a way for us to offer praise collectively. At Trinity UMC, all are invited to experience worship with us as a congregant, or as a participant in one of our many ensembles.

If you are interested in joining the choir or would like more information please contact the Choir Director Phyllis Oldham.


Our handbell program offers an opportunity for musical skills that become more advanced with practice and experience. Our handbell choir participates in worship and special concerts throughout the year.

If you’re interested in receiving information on our handbell choir, please feel free to email the Director of our Handbell Choir Rev. Harry Grey.